I’ve got a Hikvision network camera, which (only) can send email notifications and wanted to spice it up a little (that’s why I started this whole gateway stuff).
So as we do have a gateway running, let’s just hook it up to a mail server.
I use postfix with pipes and aliases. You might want to setup a dedicated instance like I did or re-use/extend your running relay/server. This assumes an already running postfix.
To process the mails received, we need some packages:
apt-get -y install mpack curl jq
Make sure to adjust the variables below ## init
## init
# define signal-weg-gateway url
# define recipient
# create unique folder per mail
UUID="$(mktemp -d /tmp/XXXXXXXXXX)"
# save mail
cat > "${UUID}/mail"
# check if we received plain text message or multipart message
if grep -q multipart/mixed "${UUID}/mail"; then
# extract mail
munpack -C "${UUID}" "${UUID}/mail"
# get attachement if exists
FILE="$(find "${UUID}" \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' \))"
# get text message if exists
MESSAGE="$(find "${UUID}" -name '*.desc')"
sed '1,/^$/d' "${UUID}/mail" > "${UUID}/message"
# trigger webhook
echo "sending signal message for "${UUID}"" | systemd-cat -t mail2signal
if [ ! "${MESSAGE}" == "" ]; then
if [ ! "${FILE}" == "" ]; then
echo '{"message": '"$(cat "${MESSAGE}" | jq -sR .)"', "attachments": ["'"$(base64 -w 0 "${FILE}")"'"]}' > "${UUID}/payload"
echo '{"message": '"$(cat "${MESSAGE}" | jq -sR .)"'}' > "${UUID}/payload"
curl -X POST -d@"${UUID}/payload" "${SIGNAL_GW}${RECIPIENT}"
# delete mail
rm -rf ""${UUID}""
Place it somewhere reasonable like /usr/local/bin/mail2signal.sh
and make it executable.
Add something like this to your /etc/aliases
(do not forget to run newaliases
after each change):
mail2signal: "|/usr/local/bin/mail2signal.sh"