
Variable Default Description
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_JSONRPC_HOST localhost Socket of signal-cli JSON-RPC. Either hostname/ip address or unix socket (e.g. unix:///run/socket).
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_JSONRPC_PORT 7583 Port of signal-cli JSON-RPC when using TCP mode w/ hostname/ip address.
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_HOST Address to host the server on.
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_PORT 8080 Port to host the server on.
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_DEBUG False Enables debug output (slows server).
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_WORKERS 1 Number of worker processes to spawn.
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_ACCESS_LOG False Enables log on handling requests (significantly slows server).
PYTHON_SIGNAL_CLI_REST_API_ACCOUNT n/a Used for /v1/send without specifying a number in your POST request.
Variable Default Description
SIGNAL_CLI_PARAMS --config /var/lib/signal-cli Parameter for signal-cli command
SIGNAL_CLI_DAEMON_PARAMS --system --no-receive-stdout Parameters for signal-cli daemon subcommand