September 21, 2016

Nextcloud install via packages on Debian Jessie

Similiar to the “old” owncloud-files package, which allows to have an up to date version of it while still beiing able to maintain your custom setup around it (webserver stack, database server, …), i’ve created a package for Nextcloud. It get’s uploaded to my repo, so can throw this in a mix with MariaDB and Dotdeb PHP7.0 repos to easily create your Nextcloud instance.

September 15, 2016

mysql-server meta package for mariadb-server

OMD (and probably a lot of other packages) depends on mysql-server, so we can’t just use mariadb-server easily. Or can we? Sure, we can rebuild the whole OMD thing with different dependencies, which will take a while. Or, we can just create a meta-package called mysql-server, which just depends on mariadb-server and satisfies the dependency for OMD. I do not care about packaging hell, i just use fpm, which requires ruby. Also i do not want to mess up my system, so i just use docker. Read more

April 27, 2016

NPM proxy cache for CI

Same like bower, it might happen that you need to build things not only locally but also in some sort of CI. Deploying a npm proxy cache is fairly easy. Installation I suggest to add a specific user for this: useradd -m -d /var/cache/npm -s /bin/false npm Some neccessary packages: apt-get install nodejs You probably want to fetch the latest packages. Now we install the cache: sudo -u npm /bin/bash cd npm install npm-proxy-cache Startup /etc/systemd/system/npm-proxy-cache.service [Unit] Description=npm proxy cache [Service] RuntimeDirectory=npm-proxy-cache PIDFile=/var/run/npm-proxy-cache/ WorkingDirectory=/var/cache/npm ExecStart=/var/cache/npm/node_modules/npm-proxy-cache/bin/npm-proxy-cache -e -h %H Restart=always RestartSec=10 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=npm-proxy-cache User=npm Group=npm [Install] Client usage npm config set proxy npm config set https-proxy npm config set strict-ssl false

April 26, 2016

Bower caching proxy

If you’re using bower for some of your projects and may happen to build this not only locally but also in some sort of CI, you might want to have a bower caching proxy in your network. Installation I suggest to add a specific user for this: useradd -m -d /var/cache/bower -s /bin/false bower Some neccessary packages: apt-get install git python-virtualenv Now we install the cache according to the README. sudo -u bower-cache /bin/bash cd virtualenv . . bin/activate pip install -U pip setuptools pip install bower-cache Configuration sudo -u bower-cache /bin/bash cd bower-cache-init /var/cache/bower/cache cd cache python changepassword admin We also need to adjust some variables which gets served to the clients. Read more