Create a file /omd/sites/<site-name>/local/share/check_mk/notifications/signal-web-gateway
# Signal Web Gateway
# Notification via Signal Web Gateway
import os, sys, requests
if os.environ['NOTIFY_WHAT'] == 'SERVICE':
if os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICESTATE'] == "OK":
message = "\U00002705".decode("unicode-escape")
elif os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICESTATE'] == "WARNING":
message = "\U000026A0".decode("unicode-escape")
elif os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICESTATE'] == "CRITICAL":
message = "\U0000274C".decode("unicode-escape")
elif os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICESTATE'] == "UNKNOWN":
message = "\U00002734".decode("unicode-escape")
message = ""
message += " " + os.environ['NOTIFY_HOSTNAME'] + " "
message += os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICESTATE'] + " "
message += os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICEDESC'] + " "
message += os.environ['NOTIFY_SERVICEOUTPUT'].decode('utf-8')
message += "is " + os.environ['NOTIFY_HOSTSTATE']
recipient = os.environ['NOTIFY_CONTACTPAGER']
if not recipient:
sys.stderr.write('Error: No contact pager set for %s\n' % os.environ['NOTIFY_CONTACTNAME'])
sys.exit(1)['NOTIFY_PARAMETER_1'], data={'message': message, 'to': recipient})
Now you can setup the notifications for your user or global. Create a new notification rule and select Signal Web Gateway as Notification Method. Enter the gateway URL as first parameter. Finally setup a Pager address in your users account to receive messages.