January 9, 2015

Ubuntu/Debian 2 factor authentication using nfc

At work, we are currently testing 2 factor authentication for desktops/workstations. As we are already using some nfc based cards, we want to use them. Some quick research brought up pam_nfc which utilizes libnfc. So we bought an ACR122U reader which is supported by libnfc compile and install Checkout source code and create a debian package for further automated distribution (e.g. Puppet,…) svn checkout http://nfc-tools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ nfc-tools-read-only Now we need to adjust some requirements for libraries if we’re using Ubuntu as the debian control file requires libnfc2 (>= 1.5.0) which is not present in Ubuntu. Instead it’s called libnfc5 (1.7.0-3 atm in trusty) Read more